Meet Our Team
Γεια σας!
Ας ρίξουμε μια ματιά στην ομάδα που κάνει τη μαγεία να συμβεί! Είμαστε μια ομάδα τριών. Μπαμπάς, μαμά και κόρη. Χρήστος, Μένη & Φανή. Μια οικογένεια αφοσιωμένη στο να απαθανατίζει τις πιο ιδιαίτερες, πιο πολύτιμες στιγμές της ζωής σας!
Ας ρίξουμε μια ματιά στην ομάδα που κάνει τη μαγεία να συμβεί! Είμαστε μια ομάδα τριών. Μπαμπάς, μαμά και κόρη. Χρήστος, Μένη & Φανή. Μια οικογένεια αφοσιωμένη στο να απαθανατίζει τις πιο ιδιαίτερες, πιο πολύτιμες στιγμές της ζωής σας!

Let’s pretend that life is a fairytale and let’s start with
none other than the most loved phrase of all;
none other than the most loved phrase of all;
“Once upon a time…”
Moments of a Lifetime
Moments when your heart grows bigger and loves even more fiercely. In these moments, we are there for you.
What a sacred and moving moment, when the parents entrust their child to other, beloved hands and witness its baptism among family and friends! Whatever kind of ceremony you desire and for any other moment of your precious child’s life, we are ready by your side, capturing photographs that will stir your memories no matter how many years have passed.

There are moments when time stands still

Capturing Memories
Our most favourite, the sweetest, most heartwarming event we’ve ever had the honour to photograph! The moment a darling soul dives bravely into the water, leaving for a few moments its mum’s arms and emerging on the other side, on new arms that await it, the arms of its godparents, who will bestow it with a word. A word short or long, with a few or a lot of letters, a word that will become one of the most important things in the life of this darling little soul; a name!
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